By March 1, 2018 SOLOMON ISLANDS Comments Off

Introducing the Solomon Islands

When we look around the world for amazing places to come and visit, we can often find the sheer choice alone quite staggering. However, a trip to the Solomon Islands might just be among the most enjoyable trips that you could take. This stunning location easily makes the journey worth it, delivering you into a paradise that ensures you can truly learn about the power of relaxation.

What makes the Solomon Islands so special?

For one, these islands contain a rich history and mystique. Inhabited for thousands of years, it’s seen its fair share of cultural development and, of course, conflict, such as the major Solomon Islands Campaign of the Second World War. Today, the Solomon Islands is an independent nation, obtained in 1978. However, it’s a constitutional monarchy, still, and the Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II. The present Prime Minister of the country is Rick Houenipwela.

The Solomon Islands are divided into ten administrative locations – the largest being the Malaita Province, and the smallest being the Rennell and Bellona Province. Part of what makes these islands so special, though, is the rich and amazing geography. Made up of a series of islands, from Choiseul to Falkie Atoll, this beautiful location is a series of rich landscapes, mostly following a rainforest-style ecology.

With over 200 unique kinds of orchids and other tropical flowerings, though, each part of the islands stands out for its rich, natural beauty.

In terms of economy, the people of the islands are mostly involved in the export of fishing, palm oil, and copra. The people who make up the country are quite diverse, with a rich range of Melanesian, Polynesian, and Micronesian individuals who live here as well as a small community of Chinese.

English creole and Solomons Pijin are the two main languages spoken by the people of the islands. Other local languages exist, though, with a total of 70 living languages in use.

Why should I come to the Solomon Islands?

For one, there is a lot to do. From yachting trips to diving expeditions you have many amazing trips that you can take on with consummate ease. Each one will allow you to truly enjoy the rich, lasting harmony of your trip, taking in the rich and stunning culture that waits for you at every part of the trip.

You can enjoy all manner of locations to stay in, too. Some people tend to go for the classic resort experience, while others choose to take on the more rustic and rural self-contained stay experience. Whatever you choose, though, you will soon find that a trip to the Solomon Islands – regardless of what you do or where you stay – will deliver a deeply personal learning experience.

The major cities of the islands are worth visiting, too. in the largest province, you will find Auki, a major city and well worth your time to visit. The Capital Territory is home to Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands in full. Alongside other major cities like Gizo in the western province and Tulago in the Central Province, there are many special cities to visit and sights to see along the way.

When should I come to the Solomon Islands?

Most of the time, it’s recommended that you choose to come here during the months of May to October. This is when rainfall levels are at their lowest, alongside cooler temperatures and lesser humidity. This will allow you to enjoy the islands without feeling the same intensity of heat that you might during other times of the year.